The marketing genius behind Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a globally recognized icon; her presence and impact can be seen across the world. It is almost impossible not to know her name. The power of this woman cannot be ignored, especially considering all the records she has broken, such as being the first female artist to have 10 singles with more than 1 billion streams each and the Taylor Swift Eras Tour being the highest-grossing music tour ever.

There is a lot that we can learn from Taylor, and in this blog, I attempt to break down exactly what marketing strategies she utilizes that you can also use to take your brand’s marketing to the next level.

1.     Don’t underestimate the power of social media

Taylor is one of the most followed people on social media, with 283 million followers on Instagram alone. It's safe to say we could all take a page out of her book.

She uses her social media effectively and strategically to tease upcoming projects, celebrate new releases, share behind-the-scenes of her life, and give her fans a glimpse into her personal life. Taylor also varies the kind of content she delivers, ranging from short-form videos, images, stories, and even custom filters. This gives her fans a variety of content to feast on, continuing to increase her engagement.

Taylor is also known for replying to comments and reacting to fans' posts as well as answering messages to the point where she has even incorporated fan-made dances from TikTok into her live performances. This not only highlights her dedication to her audience but also encourages more interaction. The lesson here is that if Taylor Swift can find time to reply to comments from fans, then so can you! Especially when it is so key to fostering an online community. By engaging with and celebrating her fans, Taylor has built a dedicated community of fans who act as brand ambassadors.

Taylor is also very effective at leveraging user-generated content (UGC). This helps her create a dedicated fan base who feel an emotional connection to her while also helping her gather deep insight into her audience. She pays super close attention to her audience through social media. She studies her fans intensely and reacts to them accordingly. Just like her, you need to be just as audience-obsessed.

2. The use of Easter eggs!

A huge technique that Taylor uses that takes her fans' engagement and discussion around anything she produces to the next level is the use of Easter eggs. By this, I mean she hides clues in everything she puts out to hint at upcoming releases. She plants these eggs months and even years in advance. This means she almost creates a game for her fans to constantly discuss what her next move may be. She embeds these clues into what she (and even her friends)wear, Instagram stories, music videos, social media captions, and more.

Each release is intensely mapped out in so much detail that it captures her audience's attention and creates a build-up long before any release. Whether it's strategically timed announcements or cryptic teasers, she creates this powerful sense of anticipation that permeates the digital landscape.

This same technique can also be used to your advantage simply through the use of teasing your upcoming events or planned strategies. While this, of course, doesn’t have to be as meticulously detailed as Taylor, giving your audience a sneak peek into what they can look forward to can be an effective technique to build up anticipation and start discussions.

3.  Don’t be afraid to adapt

Taylor is well known for reinventing herself, hence the iconic line: “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Cause she’s dead!” It’s no easy feat to be well-loved by baby boomers to millennials to Gen Z without becoming outdated. Taylor’s long list of aesthetics and huge range of music gives something for everyone to enjoy. Just like Taylor, we live in a digital landscape where change is constant and inevitable; we have no choice but to also adapt to stay relevant.

Keeping both old and new audiences happy is a key factor to keep in mind when being adaptable. Through the use of strong branding, this can be effectively achieved. Taylor does this through having strong concepts with the release of each album. She has a carefully curated image that allows her to seamlessly go from a relatable country artist at 16 to a global pop icon while staying true to her core identity.

Her branding also goes beyond a brand or a star. Taylor presents herself as a real person, not just a celebrity, who isn’t afraid to show all aspects of herself and always plays with all her cards on the table. She does this through behind-the-scenes glimpses, heartfelt interviews, and confessional songwriting. This heavily applies to your business too. In order to stand out from all the branding and advertisements your audience will be seeing every day, it's crucial to have a personality behind your brand that resonates with your audience.

4.    Put storytelling at the heart of your strategy

For Taylor, there is a story behind every song she produces and every move she makes. It is equally important to have a similar meaning behind your branding. Whether this is the story of how your organization came to be or the why behind each decision you make, don’t hesitate to share what makes your business special.

Having an authentic purpose behind who you are and having a positive story to share is a great marketing technique to utilize. This message can even be conveyed through philanthropic collaborations, for example. Taylor very much recognizes the power of partnerships and uses this to highlight her meaningful brand values underpinning what she does and who she is. In the same way, you can stand up for what you believe in and show support for various communities that mirror who your business is.

If you have any questions about ways to improve your marketing feel free to email


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