Wondering where to start? Or what journey to take?

As students, we face immense pressure when it comes to deciding on our career paths. From selecting the GCSEs that shape our future careers to achieving the grades needed for further education, the decisions can feel overwhelming.

Here at Design in the Shires, our team is a diverse group! We've all had different experiences that led us to where we are today. Some of us went to university, while others took internships or gained work experience to build their skills. It’s not easy to know, even by the age of 18, whether the choices you made in school are the ones you’ll want to stick with for the rest of your life. You might even wonder where you’ll be when you hit 30!

As pressure builds on students’ shoulders, we thought we’d share some helpful tips and insights on how we ended up where we are today.

Insight from Ben, Founder of Design in the Shires

"When starting your career in design and marketing, make sure you put yourself out there as much as possible. Whether that’s doing a free logo for a family friend or offering a local company help with social media design. When I was in college, I was creating free work for a local theatre in Hay-on-Wye. This helped me massively when building up my portfolio. When applying for design jobs, having real-life projects in your portfolio helps to make you stand out from the crowd. You could also look to get a reference from the companies you’ve been helping."

Life Lessons from Jess, Co-Founder of Design in the Shires

"Life is about learning, so follow where your curiosity takes you, and you will never get bored. We spend a huge amount of time at work, so my advice is: don’t rush, do things you enjoy, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have all the answers now. Very few people know exactly how their career will play out, and that’s what makes it exciting!"

Supportive Insights from Ali, Client Onboarding

"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side."

I’ve learned from my past experience how important it is to get along with a team of people. If you’re considering a career in website design, embrace your confidence and creativity, and seek out a company with an ethos that aligns with your own personality.I’ve been fortunate to work with a team that truly brings out the best in me. Having a supportive team and people around you really helps you grow and succeed. Choosing the right workplace can have a huge impact on where you’ll be in the next few years.

Words of Wisdom from Charlotte, Designer

"Take every opportunity that comes your way. It might be scary and outside your comfort zone, but the chance to learn new skills, get your foot in the door, and make a lasting first impression is invaluable. Throughout my student years, I changed my mind many times about what I wanted to do. Trying different things within the design field helped me find the area that suited me best. Always update your portfolio and ask for references. Free work is a great way to get noticed!"

Taking It Easy from Liz, Head of Happiness

"Don’t worry if you’re unsure about your future career path. Just keep enjoying the subjects you’re interested in and grab any opportunities that come your way. Work experience is a great way to gain a lot of insight. Often, the experiences you gain along the way will help shape the direction you choose."

Experience from Theo, Apprentice Designer

"One of the most valuable things that helped me gain opportunities as an apprentice designer was participating in work experience and internships. They’re definitely the best way to get your foot in the door, learn the tricks of the trade, and understand the working styles of different brands and businesses. Not only do you gain practical experience in the industry, but you also provide businesses with an extra helping hand, creating a win-win for both parties.

My biggest piece of advice during an internship is to try anything. If an opportunity arises to use a new tool or platform, embrace it with open arms—even if you’re not confident at first. Perfection comes with time and practice.

After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Make mistakes and learn from them. That’s the quickest path to success."

Getting Connections from Kyle, Developer

"When starting out in your career as a developer, don’t be afraid to ask questions from your peers and senior developers. Nothing truly prepares you for the transition from graduating to getting your first job or internship. You quickly learn there’s still so much you don’t know. Seize every opportunity to gain experience. When I first started out, I worked part-time as an IT assistant for a local company and offered my remaining time to any company in the development space that would have me. This not only builds up contacts and connections within the industry but also gives you that vital commercial experience."

Key Takeaways from Our Team

Keep your portfolio and CV updated: Real-life projects and experiences will make you stand out.
Take opportunities to learn on the go: Whether it’s internships, free work, or side projects, each experience is valuable.
Stick to what you love and are interested in: Your passion will keep you motivated, even when the path isn’t clear.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes: Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Remember, each of us at Design in the Shires has been through a similar journey. It’s not always easy, but we’ve all worked hard to be where we are today.

We continue to thrive in our jobs, and when students come to us seeking work experience, advice, or guidance, we are always happy to help!

feel free to email  info@designintheshires.co.uk


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